How To

How to Use Kitchen to Eliminate Waste (7 Great Tricks)

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When I start cooking, I try to rake my brains to reuse all the waste I generate while I cook. Many of the ideas for practicing zero waste  are already published on the blog, but lately I am reading suggestions on the internet that I think are great. So much so that I have decided to write a whole post compiling different tricks of this so-called exploitation kitchen to eliminate waste . In this case, I do not mean to dispose of food that is about to go bad or the leftovers of cooked dishes – see croquettes, crumbs with stale bread, etc. – but to waste that we do not usually eat, such as peels, skins or sediment, among others. If you want to combine your most creative and sustainable side in the kitchen, and incidentally save in the process, this interests you:

  • The most common option is to use this waste to compost . However, before using them as fertilizer, you can make a body scrub – for example, with coffee grounds (see the recipe here ) – or dye fabrics with carrot  and onion skins . And pay attention to Green Sandra’s trick : make nutritious juices with the waste of some vegetables and water your plants with them. This is a must try!
  • Nothing is thrown from the egg . I dedicated a full article at this link . The peel can be a great ally for your plants. On the one hand, it will add extra minerals to the soil and, on the other, it will help you control snail and slug pests .
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  • “Re-grows” the remains of some vegetables. I have already experimented with young garlic here , but you can also try leeks, celery, lettuce and even pineapple … Leave them in water and you’ll see how they sprout again without too much effort. And of course, you can reuse the leftovers of some rhizomes ( ginger ) and seeds (avocado pit) to liven up your home with plants straight from the kitchen .

How to Use Kitchen to Eliminate Waste (7 Great Tricks)

Image: Organicus

  • Tortilla pods . Peas, lima beans… bring the topping to a boil and mix it with eggs to cook this dish. You can also leave them unpeeled and cook it all together . You will add a source of fiber to your diet.


  • Get the most out of the pumpkin ! Surely you already know that you can toast the pipes and add nutritional value to your vegetable creams, salads or other stews. What you may not have known is that you can also prepare delicious recipes with their skin . Yes, you have read that correctly… Look at the collaboration that Iaia de la Picniquette marked  for the Hervidero de Ideas , in which she teaches you how to make gnocchi with her skin . I have already put it into practice and in the image you can see the result. In my case, I have used gluten-free flour, as well as turmeric and ginger as seasonings. They are delicious! I encourage you to try and keep an eye on this new upcycling kitchen sectionon the Hervidero blog. Also be encouraged to share with the hashtag #salvacalabazas , # quéaproveche and #upcyclingkitchen.

pumpkin gnocchi

Image: Organicus

pumpkin gnocchi

Image: Organicus

  • The skin of the watermelon is the sister of the pumpkin. This fruit was not going to be less than its previous companion. I have come to see “chips” and even San Jacobos , coating his skin. And of course, its seeds can also be eaten. Check out this article from Buena Vida magazine .
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  • Citrus skins , a whole multipurpose. Who has not used the zest of orange or lemon in pastries ? Well, keep pointing out options: use the skin to make ice cubes,  candles ,  mikado air fresheners ,  vinegar for cleaning the home , as well as homemade jelly beans or jam by confining the peel.


Image: Organicus

People, upcycling and sustainability have also invaded our kitchens. Are you joining this eco-friendly movement ? Not only will you reduce the number of waste and save money, but you will also take advantage of the properties and benefits of some foods formerly called waste ????If you want more related information on the subject, I also encourage you to read this guide to go shopping in a sustainable way  and this Esturirafi’s article  about the tons of food thrown away.

Do you have any more tricks to take advantage of what we usually discard in the kitchen? Add it in the comments to expand the list!

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