
How To Use The Piggyvest Interest Rate Calculator

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Piggyvest interest Rate calculator

Are you a new Piggyvest user and you are curious about how interest is calculated? You are reading the right article that will get all your questions answered. In this article, we will discuss everything you should know about piggyvest interest calculator, how to use it, and Everyone related to it.  The piggyvest interest calculator is similar to the Renmoney loan calculator that we have written about in this blog 

Piggyvest interest rate calculator

You should check the article written about Renmoney loan calculators.

With piggyvest interest rate calculator borrowers can calculate the interest rate on any amount they want to borrow from piggyvest.  One feature of these loan calculators either Renmoney loan calculator or Piggyvest interest calculator is that they give an estimation of the interest a customer wants to borrow. The estimation is nearly accurate.

What is Piggyvest?

Piggyvest is one of the leading Fintech companies in Nigeria’s financial sector.  It is a platform where Nigerians can save, invest their money, and also borrow short-term loans. Piggyvest is properly secure with the latest security protocols. Launched in 2016 by Joshua Chibueze, Somto Ifezue, and Odunayo Eweniyi, Piggyvest has since grown to become one of the leading Fintech companies in Nigeria.

The objective of the company is to provide a safe ground for customers to save, invest money, and collect short-term loans. Piggyvest offers various savings plans like the Piggybank savings plan, the Safelock plan, and the Target Savings plan.  With piggyvest customers can invest in mutual funds, in agriculture, real estate etc. 

Joining Piggyvest is relatively easy. Customers can sign up using their mobile phones or computers by visiting the platform’s website or downloading piggyvest App. After registration, they can start using the platform to save and invest their money.

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With Piggyvest, users can enjoy flexible savings options with no hidden charges. One of the amazing features of piggyvest is that account holders can track their savings progress and how much interest they have accumulated.  If you are looking for a platform to borrow money, save, and invest your fund piggyvest is where you should consider. The objective of Piggyvest is to help customers create wealth and achieve their financial goals.

What Is PiggyVest Interest Rate Calculator?

Piggyvest interest rate calculator is a tool designed by Piggyvest, a leading digital savings and investment platform in Nigeria. The interest rate calculator is a feature that allows investors to calculate the potential interest they could earn when they invest specific amounts of money in Piggyvest.

To use the Piggyvest interest rate calculator, you need to input the amount you wish to invest and the duration of your investment plan. Once you have submitted these details, the calculation tool will generate an accurate estimate of your expected earnings, based on the interest rate offered by piggyvest.

One fantastic thing about Piggyvest interest rate calculator is that it helps investors to make informed decisions about their investment decisions. With the calculator’s accurate calculation, investors can adjust their investment plans and determine the best time and amount to invest.

When compared to other loan calculators in the market, Piggyvest interest rate calculator stands out due to its simplicity and accuracy. Other loan calculators often don’t give accurate results, which could lead to inconsistencies in investor projections.

How to use Piggyvest interest calculator to calculate investment interest.

To use the Piggyvest interest calculator is not a tedious task to do. Once you follow the steps below you are good to go.

  • First, open the Piggyvest website on your web browser or launch the Piggyvest mobile app on your mobile device.
  • On the home page, click the “Investigation” tab located in the top menu bar.
  • Next, click on the “Interest Calculator” option from the drop-down menu.
  • In the Interest Calculator, enter the amount you intend to invest in the “Investment amount” box.
  • Select an investment type, for example, Fixed Income, Targeted Savings, Mutual Funds, or Real Estate, by choosing from the drop-down menu in the ‘Investment Type’ box.  6. Enter the investment term in years, months, or days, depending on your choice, in the “Duration” box.
  • Select the interest rate applicable to the type of investment and term entered.
  • As you continue to enter details, the interest calculator will automatically update the results and show you the amount of interest earned based on the entered details. The actual amount will be displayed in the box labeled “Interest Income”.
  • Repeat the process and enter different values ​​to compare potential interest income in different investment types and periods.
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Using the Piggyvest Interest Calculator is a simple and easy way to calculate your potential return on investment. This platform provides an efficient and accurate way to understand how different types of investments and durations can help you achieve your financial goals. It is a very useful tool to support investment decisions.

Benefits of Using Piggyvest interest calculator 

Using the Piggyvest interest rate calculator offers many advantages. Here are some of the benefits of using the tool.

  1. Accurate calculation:

The first and main benefit of using the Piggyvest Interest Calculator is that it gives you precise calculations of how much interest you will earn on your savings. With this, you can plan your finances more effectively.

  1. Save time:

Manually calculating interest on your savings can be time-consuming and tedious. With  Piggyvest Interest Calculator you can do your calculations in seconds without any hassle.

  1. Ease of use:

Piggyvest interest calculator is user-friendly and easy to use. All you have to do is enter the necessary details and the calculator will calculate interest on your savings instantly.

  1. Help with goal setting:

The calculator helps you to set realistic financial goals to achieve your savings goal with a given interest rate and savings period. This will help you achieve your financial goals more efficiently.

  1. Regular updates:

The Piggyvest Interest Calculator provides you with regularly updated calculations that reflect changes in interest rates. You can see how your savings can grow over time with each interest rate change.

  1. Encourage savings:

The ability to charge interest on your savings can be motivating, especially if you find this amount can add up over time. You’ll be incentivized to save more knowing that the money is working for you.

  1. No hidden fees:

The Piggyvest Interest Calculator is transparent and shows you accurate interest calculations with no hidden fees. This gives you a clear idea of ​​how much interest you will earn without any surprises.

  1. Investment decision support:

The Piggyvest Interest Calculator allows you to compare the interest earned on your savings with the interest rates on available investment options. This will help you make informed investment decisions that yield higher returns.

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FAQs on Piggyvest interest calculator 

1. How does the Piggyvest interest calculator work?

Piggyvest Interest Calculator is a tool that helps users calculate how much interest they can earn on their savings over a certain period of time. The user enters the amount they want to save and the time of their savings and the calculator will estimate the amount of interest to be earned based on the selected savings plan.

2. Is the Piggyvest Interest Calculator Accurate?

Yes, the Piggyvest Interest Calculator is accurate because it uses current interest rates on savings plans to generate estimates. However, the actual profit earned may be slightly different depending on market conditions.

3. What information do I need to calculate interest with the Piggyvest Interest Calculator? 

To calculate interest using the Piggyvest interest calculator, you must enter the amount you want to save and the period of saving. You also have to choose the type of savings plan you want to invest in.

4. Can I edit my savings plan details on the Piggyvest Interest Calculator?

Yes, you can edit your savings plan details on the Piggyvest Interest Calculator. This is useful if you want to compare the interest rates of different savings plans or if you want to calculate interest on different savings amounts or periods.

5. How can I use the Piggyvest Interest Calculator to plan my savings goals?

You can use the Piggyvest interest calculator to plan your savings goals by entering different scenarios for your savings, such as how much you want to save and how long the savings term is. This will help you estimate how much interest you can earn and help you plan your savings accordingly. You can also adjust the input to see how interest rates change across different savings scenarios.


With piggyvest interest calculator, anyone who wants to save or invest money can calculate or estimate how much interest he or she will earn at a given period of time.

Piggyvest interest calculator is easy to use and its results are more accurate than most of the interest calculators you will see around. It gives you results based on the inputs you entered.

It helps investors to make informed decisions about their savings and investment plans, which will facilitate them to achieve their goals quickly.

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