
TheGadgetTrend Review 2023: Home & Kitchen Appliances Review Platform

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TheGadgetTrend Review: It is hard to get reliable reviews these days without someone over hyping and trying to compel you to buy a product. Most consumers depend on unreliable reviews from people around them to determine if an object is suitable for use or will match her taste and requirements i.e. shopping related questions.

Most times the item or appliance purchased turns out to be worse leaving the customer unhappy and unsatisfied. With so many products flooding the market it can get confusing as to which is reliable. Also manufactures pay a premium on marketing. Showing you compelling adverts and paying influencers to recommend their products.

TheGadgetTrend Review

It’s unfortunate that a great margin of new products in today’s market do not function as advertised. This is where honest people make it their mission to give quality reviews on products without much bias. TheGadgetTrend falls under this category. is a website which focuses majorly on the recommendation of home appliances to visitors on their site. Let us dive further into the topic to fully grasp what the site is all about.

What is TheGadgetTrend?

As I said at the introduction of this article, TheGadgetTrend is a website which give honest reviews about home appliances most especially kitchen appliances. The founder understands the pressure on homeowners to purchase quality home appliances which can be very difficult to find considering the high volume of substandard appliances in the market nowadays.

TheGadgetTrend expert reviewers’ team is taking up the responsibility of testing various appliances and recommending them to their readers to select the one they deem suitable according to their requirements. Its team of experts has been trained to provide expert reviews on products and appliances hence aiding the readers make informed decisions; they also educate the readers on how to maintain their appliances and keep it in good shape in order for the product to be used for a long time.

Finally, they also provide readers with latest shopping trends such as discounts, new product release, etc. 

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Who is the Founder?

The founder and owner of is Stephanie C. Blaise. She is food and lifestyle lover who never shies away from revealing her passion to the outside world. Since her inception to social media, she has been pushing her passion which is purchasing home appliances and giving reviews on them hence helping people to answer shopping-related questions. This passion of hers drove her to establish this website and various social media account in order to reach more people.

How credible are its reviews?

The website doesn’t have only one person writing all the articles as most people may tilt to the assumption that only the founder (Stephanie) reviews home appliances on the website but that’s a blunt lie as the website is like an organization with loads of staff who provide honest reviews on appliances they have tested out. 

The reviews provided on the website are carried out by quacks but by experts hence the credibility of the reviews on home appliances provided can be given a score of 80/100.

Reasons for using TheGadgetTrend

In this section of the article, I will be focusing on why their involvement in reviewing kitchen appliances is important to us. Sites like has helped us a lot with shopping of home appliances as the decision of picking the perfect item is a difficult task due to the numerous products in the market. Here are some of the reasons why should be your number 1 spot when looking for quality kitchen appliances:

  1. They provide detailed information or specs about a particular product:

This is one of the key points before buying any product; it is important that you have enough information about the product or item because it helps with programming the user to make the right product decision. provides users with detailed information about the product and ensures that it highlights both the advantages and disadvantages of the product.

It can also help users from making wrong choices in purchasing appliances that they don’t need and differentiating of two similar products.

  1. Different price range:

This is also very important for those looking to shop on a budget. Reading various reviews from two identical products comes with a very huge benefit which is the price difference; while some appliances will come with additional and unnecessary add-ons hence increasing the price of such product, others come with the basic requirements needed at a cheaper price.

Note: One of the qualities of a wise buyer is the ability to compare prices of various products no matter the kind of budget you have.

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Review sites such as has helped with alleviating that issue by providing users the ability to select from different products and their price through an Amazon link which makes it easy for the customer to access the price.

  1. Tutorials on Products:

In this instance I will be using the Television as a case study; you just bought a smart TV without checking any reviews online and you intend to watch Netflix on it but due to ignorance you don’t have any knowledge when it comes to setting it up so you had to call an expert to carry out the operation with you paying a fee. provides users with written tutorial E.g. You purchased a blender and you wish to know how it operates, well search for the product on the site and if a write-up is there – you read and follow it then voila you have started and have basic knowledge on how to operate a blender.

  1. They have what is tagged as “Shoppers FAQ”:

This section of the website can be found at the top left corner. FAQ is an acronym for Frequently Asked Questions; this section provides answers to customers about various shopping centers. It provides users with information on various products and services available at various shopping centers. 

Comparison of TheGadgetTrend to other Home Appliances Review Sites

When searching for other home appliances review sites, there are various sites that come to the party when it comes to reviewing. In this section, I will be comparing my focus website ( to other top websites in the same niche:

1. vs Consumer Reports (CR):

The focus website in this article is a newly launched and when compared to Consumer Reports it portrays the scenario of a father being compared a little child. Consumer Reports was launched in 1936 and is very popular for its car reviews; the website engages in independent reviews that are carried out by experts.

Consumer Reports is a well trusted and reliable website when you need to find reviews on various home appliances especially the ones used in the kitchen. The only demerit of this site is that it doesn’t allow free users to enjoy full access as users have to pay $10 per month or $59 per year to enjoy full access; however, it’s worth it considering the benefits and resources you have access to.

Result: is still a fiddle when compared to Consumer Reports but that doesn’t discredit the site as it is performing absolutely well for its kind.

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2. vs Google:

Wow, what a comparison!!! Google can also be tagged as a home appliances review site; this is not known to many but when you type the particular item or product you are looking to purchase and add “Reviews” to the end it provides you with reviews from either 100s of customers or 1000s depending on how popular the item is. They don’t provide users with review from experts but let the customers do that themselves because expert reviews can sometimes be compromised i.e., Paid reviews. 

Google’s review system strategy is very reliable as a sensible customer won’t want to purchase a product with bad reviews from users from have used it in order not to waste money. 

Also, since Google hosts most of these sites like Consumer Reports, Reviewed. Com and the likes – it is easy to access information from this sites on Google platform.

Result: They can’t be compared but if compared Google wins in all aspects.

3. vs is a US based platform what uses a particular peculiar approach when reviewing items/products i.e. A Scientific approach. This may sound weird as you may be asking do they calculate the density or volume or mass of the item and the answer is yes; they review products in 2 ways:

  1. a) Physical Reviewing: The Major and most popular type of reviewing which involves giving reviews on what can be seen by the eyes.
  2. b) Scientific Reviews: This can be called laboratory reviews as it is done in laboratories and involves scientists calculating some qualities and basing their reviews there independent of the Physical reviews.

The website also includes a section called “The Best Right Now” which comprises of reviews from what they classify as the best appliances.

Result: wins due to the extensiveness of the reviews on their site.

Conclusion is a great site but when compared to some of the top home appliances sites like the ones listed above, they are completely outclassed. This is up to the founder and other members of her team to work harder and generate more content on the site as it has only few.

The site is a very promising site and I aspect it will perform better this year; the fact that their social media handles are up and running shows potential and I will rate them a 6/10.

I will be very happy to hear from you. How good or bad do you rate TheGadgetTrend after visiting the website? Lets have your thoughts in the comment section.

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